Scientific Publication

Constraints and opportunities of Pachyrhizus spp. introduction in the current farming systems in Central and Southern Benin.


Agricultural productivity in Benin is challenged by poverty, food and nutritional insecurity and decrease of soil fertility. To remedy these challenges and improve particularly food and nutritional status of populations, a new crop Pachyrhizus ahipa. (Yam Bean) is being introduced in Central and Southern Benin. The present survey aims to assess constraints and opportunities of Pachyrhizus ahipa. introduction in the Central and Southern Benin farming systems. Municipalities were chosen in the agro-ecological zones of this part of Benin on the basis of poverty level, food security and nutritional status of populations. They are Ouèssè, Dassa-zoumè, Djidja and Kétou in the agroecological zone V (biggest zone); Djakotomey in the agro-ecological zone VI; Toffo in the agroecological zone VII and finally Dangbo in the agro-ecological zone VIII. In each of these municipalities, one (01) representative village has been chosen using results of previous works. A Rapid Rural Appraisal on the farmers' perceptions was led in each sampled village. Content analysis identified main variables rural household produce mainly for self consumption and for sale. Main production constraints are soil deterioration, insufficient labor availability, lack of financial means and finally climatic risk. The ex ante analysis of the Pachyrhizus ahipa's introduction reveals the potential of this crop to fulfill many current constraints quoted up.