Dataset / Tabular

Consumer Testing Data on Matooke generated by NARL & Bioversity in Uganda


This dataset contains data generated during the Activity 5 or Step 4 - Consumer Testing in Rural and Urban Areas performed by the NARL & Bioversity team in Uganda on Matooke, within the RTBfoods project (following the <a href="">Methodological Guidance</a> and <a href="">its supplement</a>).
This dataset may contain diverse type of anonymized data (e‧g. questionnaires, cleaned and processed data) which is to be available on open access following a 2-years embargo after the end of the RTBfoods project (embargo ending date: 15 March 2025)
This dataset may also contain non-anonymized data (e‧g. raw data, consent forms signed by interviewees) which cannot be made publicly available, at any time; non-anonymized data is contained in the .tar‧gz file. For more information about the content of the .tar‧gz file, you are invited to contact the authors mentioned in the metadata.