Control of Mycoflora Associated with Pigeonpea Seeds
Associated with the seeds of four field-grown pigeonpea cultivars, Alternaria sp., Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Fusarium spp., and Rhizoctonia bataticola were predominant. Cultivars NP-69 (late) and Prabhat (extra early) harbored more fungi than did T-21 (early) or ICP-1 (mid). Genotypic differences rather than weather during pod maturity, or different storage periods seem to Influence the intensity or seed-borne mycoflora. Greater reduction in seed germination was observed incultivars NP-69 and Prabhat which had higher frequency of mycoflora, especially Aspergillus spp. Seed treatment with Benlate T at 3 g/kg provided crmplete control of all seed-borne fungi with no adverse effect on germination. This treatment can be recommended for controlling seed-borne mycoflora to ensure safe imernational exchange of seed