Dataset / Tabular

Crop Diversification in Maize-Based Cropping System: Maize-Sesame Intercropping


<p>This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in northern Ghana</p>
<p><h4>About the project </h4></p>
<p><b>Project title: AfricaRISING - Sustainable intensification of cereal-based farming systems in the Guinea-Sudan-Savanna of Ghana and Mali</b></p>
<p><b> Project abstract </b></p>
<p> Mono-cropping of sesame(<i>Sesame indicum L.</i>) is being promoted for cash to diversify smallholder income in the northern Ghana. The objective of this activity is to evaluate agronomic options for integrating sesame into maize, sorghum, and millet cropping systems. A split-plot design replicated in 3-4 communities per region will be used within row spacing 1 and 2 weeks after planting maize. For the trials, data will be collected on growth of maize and sesame, light interception/leaf area index, weed diversity and biomass, grain yield of maize and sesame, soil temperature, soil moisture, and plant pest and diseases. Output and input will be collected for cost benefit analysis.</p>
<p><b>Project website</b>: <a href=""></a></p&gt;
<p> <b>Project start date</b>: 01/06/2014</p>
<p><b> Project end date </b>: 01/10/2014</p>