
CTA Project Completion Report: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment


Management of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is a critical function in international development institutions such as CTA. CTA’s goals for investing in a strong M&E system are to promote accountability, learning, decision-making and visibility.

CTA’s Learning Monitoring and Evaluation (LME) Unit was established in 2011 as a separate entity from the programmes, with overall responsibility for promoting organisational learning, supporting programme planning and overseeing project-based evaluations. Between 2012 and 2015 the Unit commissioned five major independent project-specific evaluations and 14 joint impact studies of CTA’s long-term support to partner organisations. Following the formulation of CTA’s 2016–2020 Strategic Plan, which included a fully-fledged corporate logframe, the Unit’s focus shifted to accompanying projects and programmes in planning for and demonstrating impact.