Poster / Presentation

D4N2024 Presentation Showcase – Thematic Session 2a: Methods and metrics to improve nutrition through sustainable agriculture


Oral Presentations:
Reducing Carbon Footprint in Agriculture through Conservation and Efficient Nutrient Management Practices: A Case Study of Bangladesh
Md Saiful Islam, Research Coordinator, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

Enhancing nutritional yields through efficient crop diversification: A comparative study of rice-rice system in Bangladesh
Mohammad Washiq Faisal, Research Associate, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

Pollinator declines threaten the nutritional health and livelihood of rural people in Nepal
Sujan Sapkota, Project Manager, HERD International

Contribution of Nature Positive Solutions to Food Security in India and Vietnam
Sedi Anne Boukaka, Research Coordinator, International Food Policy Research Institute

Diet Quality and Sustainability Effects of Agricultural Value Chain Growth: A Simulation Analysis for Rural Bangladesh
Olivier Ecker, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute

Rapid-fire presentations:
Foresight analysis of the diet transformation in Bangladesh: A scenario simulation study for the period 2022-2050
Mohammad Monirul Hasan, Country Advisor: Foresight for Food Systems, Social Protection, and Environment, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Electrification and Crop Diversification: The Impact of Shifting Energy Sources on Cropping Patterns in Bangladesh
Anurag Banerjee, Research Officer, International Water Management Institute

What drives dairy farm food safety practices in Bangladesh? Evidence from a PLS-SEM Model
Fardous Ara Happy, PhD Student, University of Hohenheim, Germany

Optimizing Agrobiodiversity for Nutritional Diversity: An Analysis of Spatial Patterns and Sustainable Interventions in South Asia
Mustafa Kamal, GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)