Report / Technical

Daily Crop Weather Information on 07 June 2020


Southwest Monsoon has further advanced into some more parts of South Interior Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Karaikal; most parts of southwest Bay of Bengal, entire southeast Bay of Bengal; some more parts of eastcentral Bay of Bengal and some parts of westcentral & northeast Bay of Bengal. • The Northern Limit of Monsoon (NLM) now passes through Lat.14°N/Long.60°E, Lat.14°N/Long.70°E, Karwar, Hassan, Salem, Puducherry, Lat.13°N/Long.85°E, Lat.16°N/Long.90°E and Lat.20°N/Long.93°E. • Conditions are becoming favourable for further advancement of Southwest Monsoon into some more parts of Karnataka, entire Tamil Nadu; some parts of Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra Pradesh; entire southwest Bay of Bengal; some more parts of central and northeast Bay of Bengal and some parts of northeast India during next 2-3 days. • Under the influence of the Western Disturbance, scattered to fairly widespread rain/thundershowers very likely to continue over western Himalayan region and isolated to scattered rain/thundershowers over plains of northwest India during next 48 hours and decrease thereafter. Isolated thunderstorm accompanied with lightning and gusty wind are likely over these regions during next 24 hours. • The Low Pressure Area (remnant of the Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’) over Bihar & adjoining northeast Uttar Pradesh has become less marked