Report / Technical

Dairy Cattle Nutrition Project, Bolivia, 1994 to 1997. Final Report


The report describes the constraints to increasing milk production which were identified as lack of balanced diets and insufficient feed dry matter intake leading to the general failure to provide the daily nutrient requirements of the dairy cow. The project introduced new feeding practices to farmers through a series of talks, and demonstrations, accompanied by series of technical pamphlets, information sheets and videos which were distributed to farmers, students and agricultural institutions. Silage production was introduced as the most suitable method of conserving forage for dry season feeding. A number of alternatives to silage production were also identified. Improved pasture management practices (rotational grazing using the paddock system, pasture renovation and improvement of soil fertility) and calf management practices were promoted. Locally available protein and energy feed supplements were sent to the UK for analysis and a method for the in vitro analysis of the digestibility of animal feeds was established at CIAT