Dataset / Tabular

Dataset for: Life-table of Diglyphus begini


The effect of temperature on the development of immature stages and survival, as well as adult longevity and reproduction of <i>Diglyphus begini</i> was studied in controlled incubator chambers at six constant temperatures from 10º to 35ºC on its host bean. Data collected in the life-table studies under constant temperature conditions were arranged in incomplete life-table formats as required by ILCYM’s ‘model builder’ to process, analyze and develop the phenology model (development time and its variation, development rate, senescence, mortality, total oviposition and relative oviposition frequency). ILCYM’s ‘validation and simulation’ module was applied for simulating life-table parameters and for model validation. The best fit model was selected based on Akaike’s Information Criterion, a well-known goodness of fit indicator or other built in statistics (R<sup>2</sup>, Adjusted R<sup>2</sup>, MSE). The development of the <i>Diglyphus begini</i> phenology model and its life-table parameter simulation were conducted using the Insect Life Cycle Modeling (ILCYM) software version 3.0 developed by CIP. It is freely available at CIP’s website: