
Decolonising Water: Viewing the 2022 Pakistan floods in the Colonial Present (Webinar session 5)


The TAFSSA CGIAR Initiative is hosting a series of webinars to highlight research from South Asia on food security, sustainable healthy diets, farmer livelihoods and resilience, and land, air, and groundwater conservation. For the fifth webinar on May 23, Dr. Daanish Mustafa, Professor in Critical Geography, Department of Geography, King’s College London, will present. Dr Daanish Mustafa obtained his BA in Geography from Middlebury College, USA, his MA from University of Hawai'i Manoa, and his PhD in Geography from University of Colorado. He has taught at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA and then at the University of South Florida, St Petersburg, before finding his intellectual home in the Department of Geography. While at King's, he has received the School of Social Science and Public Policy excellence in teaching award.