Demographic and Health Survey 1997 (Viet Nam)
The 1997 Viemam Demographic and Health Survey (VNDHS-II) is a nationally representative survey of 5,664 ever-married women age 15-49 selected from 205 sampling clusters throughout Vietnam. The VNDHS-II was designed to provide information on levels of fertility, family planning knowledge and use, infant and child mortality, and indicators of maternal and child health. The survey included a Community/Health Facility Questionnaire that was implemented in each of the sample clusters included in the women's survey. Fieldwork for the survey took place from July to October 1997. All provinces were separated into "project" and "non-project" groups to permit separate estimates for about one-third of provinces where the health infrastructure is being upgraded.
The primary objectives of the second Vietnam National Demographic and Health Survey (VNDHS-II) in 1997 were to provide up-to-date information on fertility levels, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, early childhood mortality, child health and knowledge of AIDS.
VNDHS-II data confirm the patterns of declining fertility and increasing use of contraception that were observed between the 1988 VNDHS-I and the 1994 lntercensal Demographic Survey (ICDS-94).