Dataset / Tabular

Demographic and Health Survey 2010 (Armenia)


The 2010 Armenia Demographic and Health Survey (2010 ADHS) is the third in a series of nationally representative sample surveys designed to provide information on population and health issues. It is conducted in Armenia under the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys program. Specifically, the 2010 ADHS has a primary objective of providing current and reliable information on fertility levels, marriage, sexual activity, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutritional status of young children, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, and awareness and behavior regarding AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The survey obtained detailed information on these issues from women of reproductive age and, for certain topics, from men as well.

The 2010 ADHS results are intended to provide information needed to evaluate existing social programs and to design new strategies to improve health of and health services for the people of Armenia. Data are presented by region (marz) wherever sample size permits. The information collected in the 2010 ADHS will provide updated estimates of basic demographic and health indicators covered in the 2000 and 2005 surveys.

The long-term objective of the survey includes strengthening the technical capacity of major government institutions, including the NSS. The 2010 ADHS also provides comparable data for longterm trend analysis in Armenia because the 2000, 2005, and 2010 surveys were implemented by the same organisation and used similar data collection procedures. It also adds to the international database of demographic and health–related information for research purposes.

The 2010 ADHS was conducted by the National Statistical Service (NSS) and the MOH of Armenia from October 5 through December 25, 2010.