Designing a Common Gender Indicator Framework for CARE’s Pathways Program
Gender inequality is a barrier to agricultural productivity and food security in smallholder agriculture systems. CARE’s work in the agriculture sector aims to challenge social norms, starting with staff self-reflection and facilitating gender dialogues in the communities. However, we recognize that monitoring behavior changes related to gender remains a complex, nuanced, and challenging endeavor. In this document, CARE presents a process that we followed to develop a common gender-indicator framework for measuring, monitoring, and encouraging processes of gender-related behavior change among men and women in 5 countries (Malawi, Mali, Ghana, Tanzania, India) of CARE’s Pathways Program. The process was initiated during a qualitative mid-term review (MTR) of the Pathways program, which focused on understanding behavior changes related to intra-household relations and men’s engagement with the program. The common gender-indicator set was then finalized during a one-week workshop held in Lilongwe, Malawi, during March 2015. The workshop was supported by the TOPS Program, a USAID/Food for Peace-funded learning initiative, bringing the highest quality information, knowledge, and promising practices in food assistance programming to implementers and donors around the world to ensure more communities and households benefit from the U.S. Government’s investments to fight global hunger.