Report / Case study

DFID Policy Project: DFID and disability. A Mapping of the Department for International Development and Disability Issues


The Disability Mapping Report aimed to provide a snapshot of DFID's activites in relation to disability issues. The report identified the following key issues: There is a solid bedrock of disability specific activities being carried out, largely via NGOs and civil society organisations (CSOs) DFID's work on disability is largely hidden and often DFID staff and country offices are unaware of disability focused activities being carried out by NGOs and CSOs DFID staff, whilst broadly recognising the links between poverty and disability, do not necessarily see disability as an essential part of their work on poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) DFID staff need more information on disability, in particular practical tools and examples of best practice to enable them to implement the twin track approach outlined in DFID's 2000 Issues Paper 'Disability, Poverty & Development' The initial DFID mapping was supplemented by three pieces of action research on disability mainstreaming in three countries where DFID works: India, Rwanda and Cambodia