Diagnostic and a Baseline Study for Implementing Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Rural Landscapes of The Gambia
A baseline study conducted for the project, “Large-scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Gambia River Basin: Developing a climate resilient, natural resource-based economy”, covered an inventory of 110 Community Forests (12,637 ha), 8 Community Protected Areas (20,500 ha), 825 farm inventories, 831 household surveys (5,561 ha) and involved interviews with the management committees of 118 CFs and CPAs, interviews with 16 MPCs, plus workshops and focus group discussions. The study also included a climate change vulnerability analysis (using historical data and projections using global models) to gauge the interventions that could withstand future changes,if any. Policy analysis was conducted on 28 policies/strategies/plans to identify the extent of EbA integration. The sections below present the provisional results of the analysis conducted on the above different data sets