Dataset / Tabular

Digital Economy Household Survey 2020 (Indonesia)


The World Bank conducted an in-depth analysis of the digital economy in Indonesia through the Digital Economic Household Survey (DEHS). The plan to survey 6,600 households was disrupted due to the pandemic. Thus, the DEHS dataset contains 3,063 households (HHs) out of planned 6,600 HHs (46%) from 311 enumeration areas (EAs) out of the planned 660 EAs.

The datasets contain household and individual data. Separate data files are provided for particular modules containing matrix-style questions. All household-level datasets contain the variable "hhid" as household identifier, whereas individual-level datasets contain both "hhid" and "hh_memberid" to identify individuals. These variables can be used for merging purposes across data files.

There are 6 modules available in these dataset: Module 1 contains general household-level information, including demographics, dwelling and ICT device usage. Module 2 asks on internet access and use, including device ownership, social media use, internet affordability, side effects and digital skills. Module 3 contains information related to service delivery, including government services, social assistance, education and health. Module 5 probes information related to household e-commerce activities as buyers and digital on-demand services. Module 6 focuses on use of digital finance in the household. Lastly, Module 9 collects information related to household enterprise activities, which includes e-commerce activities as sellers.