Scientific Publication

Discussion Paper 1. Counting the Cost of Teacher Education: Cost and Quality Issues


The purpose of this paper is to share some preliminary thoughts on cost and resource issues related to the training of teachers. It anticipates a programme of empirically based research which is being developed at Sussex as part of the Multi-Site Teacher Education Project. It is therefore exploratory rather than designed to report findings which may emerge from the data that will be collected. The paper has a focus on patterns of education and training which lead to initial qualification since this is where most investment is concentrated in most systems. The first section outlines some core issues and discusses a number of concerns which contextualise the subsequent arguments. The second section provides an overview of common features of conventional patterns of teacher education and draws attention to a range of consequences relevant to resource utilisation. The third section raises some methodological issues. The fourth section explores the analysis of costs and identifies major categories. Section five develops a framework of questions before, during and after core training experiences. These are summarised in Appendix 1. Section six summarises some alternative organisational patterns and draws attention to the range of options available and is followed by some concluding remarks