Discussion Paper 27. New teachers on the job: the impact of teacher education in Lesotho
This paper reports on a small-scale study of six Newly Qualified Teachers and three untrained teachers in five Lesotho primary schools. The aim was to gain some understanding of how training affected the way teachers perform, how they are perceived, and what kinds of support is available in the schools. While no firm conclusions can be drawn, the study suggests that NQTs do draw on knowledge and skills learnt at college, and are considered to teach better than untrained teachers. However, those observed taught mainly through traditional presentation or question-and-answer methods, and used few teaching/learning aids. While their relationships with pupils were good and class management was largely satisfactory, headteachers criticised them for poor professional attitudes and bad timekeeping. The schools offer little in terms of formal induction or support. The report recommends the introduction of an induction or probationary period with structured support