
Efecto de la interacción genotipo por ambiente sobre los rasgos de calidad en los híbridos de Brachiaria población Br12


We aim to understand the magnitude of the interaction genotype by environment over several important traits, including those associated with nutritional quality, in a population of 100 hybrids of interspecific Brachiaria. In cooperation with Colombian National Agriculture Research Center (AGROSAVIA), four field trials have been stablished and another one will be stablished in 2020, for a total of 5 locations. The trials follow alpha lattice designs in each location, with two replicates. Each trial is evaluated at least four times, trying to cover two rainy and two dry seasons. For each evaluation measurements of visual and drone biomass and quality, parameters with NIRS are taken. Currently, data capture has been completed in 3 locations. One is at 50% and another is still pending of establishment. The present report shows partial results for some of the data that has been collected.