Scientific Publication

Effect of balanced nutrition on yield and economics of vegetable crop in participatory watersheds in Karnataka


Effect of balanced nutrition was studied on the production of various vegetable crops Including ridge gourd, bitter gourd, green chillies, brinjal, tomato, potato and onion In watersheds of several districts of Karnataka. Results of soil test analysis showed that the extent of sulphur, zinc and boron deficiency was up to 90%, besides they were low In nitrogen and low to medium In available P. Yield benefits In different vegetable crops due to balanced nutrition In Dharwad and Haveri districts varied from 16% to 52%. The maximum benefit: cost ratio was found In case of tomato (11.4:1). Similarly, In Kolar, Tumkur and Chltradurga districts, the tomato, potato, capsicum and onion yields Improved substantially due to balanced application of deficient nutrients to soil as well as foliar spray