Effect of split application of zinc on yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in an inceptisol
Rice is mostly transplanted under puddled low land soil conditions in India, where Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a common problem. The objective of this study was to find out the efficacy of split application of Zn on growth and yield of rice in an inceptisol. The split application of Zn as ZnSO4 7H2O performed better than its single basal application, while the split application of Zn-EDTA did not show any significant difference on yield and yield components of rice over its single basal application. Zn-EDTA was found to be better for growth and yield of rice among the two sources of Zn. The soil application of Zn at 1.0 kg ha71 as Zn-EDTA (T7) recorded highest grain yield of 5.42 t ha71, filled grain percentage of 90.2%, 1000-grain weight of 25.41 g and number of paniclesm72 of 452. The Zn content of grain and straw were found to be maximum in the treatment T7 i.e. 38.19 and 18.27 mg kg71, respectively. Linear regression studies indicated that grain yield of rice is significantly influenced by Zn content of grain, Zn content of straw and DTPA extractable Zn content of soil at the level of 95.96, 96.74 and 95.57%, respectively