Effective policy advocacy. Learning from the Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy
This Brief shares insights from the 11-year DFID-funded Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) in the area of policy advocacy. In particular it discusses five key considerations for the uptake of research outputs and highlights lessons for future advocacy work within the natural resources sector. It draws on the experience of research projects from the Department for International Development's (DFID's) Forestry Research Programme (FRP - hydrology cluster), Livestock Production Programme (LPP - landless livestock-keeper cluster) and Crop Post Harvest Programme (CPHP - street food cluster). The research clusters were selected as examples of successful or significant engagement with policy makers. This Brief is an edited summary of a paper commissioned by the Forestry Research Programme: Betser, L.; Palmer, J.; Bird, N. Effective policy advocacy: An RNRRS synthesis