Report / Case study

ELIN@PERI Review: Summary


This report is a summary of the review of ELIN@PERI undertaken in the last quarter of 2005 and the first quarter of 2006. The review briefly describes the background to ELIN and PERI and the advent of the ELIN@PERI pilot. The aim of the ELIN@PERI pilot project was to investigate ways of improving access to online information using technologies to provide improved searching and discovery. The report presents the key findings about how the pilot has been delivered at the implementing partner sites (Makerere University, Uganda, the National University of Rwanda and the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan) plus findings about usage and feedback from users. The review shows that ELIN is serving a need and that response to the programme has been largely positive. The review also highlights that the amount of effort and support required to maximise the success of the programme was originally underestimated. A list of recommendations for the future of the project are proposed