Report / Case study

Emissions, Mitigation and Low Carbon Growth the case of Mozambique agriculture


This research aimed to examine the feasibility of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in a low income country, above all to see whether there are trade-offs between mitigating climate change and reducing poverty and hunger. The study focused on Mozambique. The study showed no trade off: indeed, the two aims could be complementary thanks to two local circumstances. One, economic growth in Mozambique during the last 15 or more years has been based too narrowly on minerals and energy to create enough jobs to reduce poverty, especially amongst the majority of the rural poor who are small farmers. Two, the productivity of much small-scale agriculture is sufficiently low that it is possible not only to reduce net emissions but also to raise productivity with appropriate farming systems ­ including those that use elements of conservation agriculture and agro-forestry to reduce emissions, capture carbon, and raise production. Hence the study showed that modest investments in changing farming systems would not only achieve environmental objectives, but also raise rates of growth, create more jobs for poor people, and enhance food security