Book / Monograph

In equal measure: a user guide to gender analysis in Agroforestry


The researchers were asked to draft their papers before they came to the writeshop. The writeshop was held on 17-19 July 2013 in Bohol, Philippines. The objective and target readers of the user guide were agreed upon. The drafts were subjected to comments and critique through plenary and small group discussions. After a series of revisions and with the help and guidance of resource persons, facilitators, illustrator and graphic designer, the participants came up with a third draft of their papers including artworks. After the writeshop, the drafts were then subjected to an external expert peer review. The final draft was further edited, designed and printed. vi IN EQUAL MEASURE The book is structured to cover a range of gender issues in various forest, trees and agroforest management areas from tree species identification to landuse decision-making. Participatory research tools are featured such as ranking, mapping, modeling, participatory GIS; and other tools that can aid in looking at gender issues, roles and preferences primarily but not limited to agroforestry research and development