Report / Evaluation

Evaluation of the Developing Operational Research Capacity in the Health Sector Project. Final Report


Objectives The objective of the evaluation is to assess the project’s performance and impacts during the period October 2011 to August 2014, and provide feedback to the wider research and development community on the OR capacity building model. While the direct users of the evaluation are DFID’s Research and Evidence Division (RED) and The Union, the evaluation will serve for accountability and learning purposes for the OR community, research capacity building programmes, research funders and others, feeding into the design of the next phase of the project and investigating the application of the model in other areas of practice. Background A key recommendation of the programme annual review was that an external evaluation of the programme should be carried out. This proposed investment will also improve DFID’s ability to learn about the programme and to share lessons with others thus magnifying positive impacts. Intended outcomes The following outcomes for the evaluation were outlined in the Terms of Reference: Inception report – including refinements/amendments of evaluation questions, full methodology, identified sources of data, risk management strategy and evaluation communication plan. Short progress reports – detailing project progress, spend and raising any risks. Interim report - setting out early evaluation findings. Final report – responding fully to the evaluation objectives and questions. The final report of the evaluation is appended together with the 6-page executive summary