Working Paper

Examining the use of participatory visual and narrative methods to explore the lived experience of migrants in Southern Africa


In this paper, the authors explore the opportunities – and challenges – associated with visual research methodologies. Drawing on the MoVE (methods: visual: explore) project that explores the lived experiences of migrant groups in southern Africa, they reflect on their experiences in exploring the visual in research. They argue that including visual and narrative methods- as part of mixed methods studies- offers researchers an important opportunity to engage in the ‘feel’ of events and the lives of the participants of such research projects. Not only do these methods provide a creative platform whereby participants can be included in the production of knowledge, they also highlight the need to consider the subjectivity of knowledge and the power inherent in the production and curation of knowledge. Visual and narrative methodologies offer an opportunity to engage in various theoretical and epistemological frameworks. Importantly, while using these methods are not without logistical and ethical challenges, participants report valuing their involvement in these projects. This paper is published under the Migrating out of Poverty programme, which is funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID