Report / Technical

Final report of the Zambia food and nutrition security field analysis-2010


The World Food Program (WFP) - United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) food and nutrition security field analysis was commissioned to study the potential for triangulation of data systems between WFP and UNICEF with an attempt to assess whether these data systems picked up the effects and provided a better understanding of the global financial crisis on the most vulnerable in five countries, including Zambia. As a means to establish the areas of potential information systems available and collaborations, this field study covered a review of information gathering, analysis and reporting systems employed by WFP and UNICEF, individually and jointly, and examined other systems utilized by the government and a selection of other stakeholder systems. The analysis was expected to establish whether the data reported under the indicators from these systems (WFP, UNICEF, Government, etc.) is compatible for cross linking, integration, triangulation and joint analysis and to what extent data are able to inform decision makers in a timely manner on food and nutrition security, household response and the changing vulnerability of communities impacted by shocks. Recommendations on the challenge and gaps for remedial action to enhance the information utility and improve the information system are presented at the end of the analysis