Report / Technical

Final Technical Report. Development of Pheromones for Management of Coffee White Stemborer, Xylotrechus Quadripes


The Purpose of the project was to develop improved methods for the management of priority pests and diseases of arabica coffee in order to minimise production losses and optimise yields from agroforestry systems on sloping lands in a sustainable manner. The project aimed to contribute to this Purpose by identifying and synthesising a potential third component of the male pheromone of X. quadripes, determining whether it could improve attractiveness of the major component by laboratory and field tests and by initiating trials of mass trapping with pheromone traps to control this pest. This work was carried out in close collaboration with the Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) of the Coffee Board of India. The project also aimed to explore the potential for use of pheromones in management of African species of coffee stemborer