Crops and technologies On crops, livestock, fisheries, irrigation, technologies, production and more.
Landscapes and biodiversity On land, landscapes, forests and forestry, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecology and more.
Nutrition and health On nutrition, malnutrition and overnutrition as well as health, diets, diseases and more.
Social Inclusion On inclusion, social classes, social groups, social participation, social protection, Indigenous peoples and more.
Other Food Legume Production in Asin: Past Trends and Future Prospects author(s) Rao, P P - Oppen, M V from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) permalink open published in 1986 themes Social Inclusion citation Rao, P P and Oppen, M V (1986) Food Legume Production in Asin: Past Trends and Future Prospects. In: Proceedings of an international Workshop on Food Legume Improvement for Asian Farming Systems, 1-5 Septcmher 1986, Khon Knen, Thailand Publications and datasets provided via GARDIAN Open original