Report / Case study

Fresh Insights Number 10. Impact of EurepGAP on small-scale vegetable growers in Uganda


Uganda continues to benefit from export of niche products through wholesale channels to the EU, but there is concern that these are on the decline. The introduction of EurepGAP (European Retailers Protocol for Good Agricultural Practice) certification could enable access to these lucrative markets, but there are no guarantees of success. Uganda appears to be facing a difficult decision over the direction of investment in its export horticulture industry. On one hand, it could follow the high-cost route of EurepGAP compliance to gain access to lucrative markets. On the other hand, it could continue the non-EurepGAP route for the non-supermarket supply chains. Both choices offer risks and benefits, yet without concerted effort from the national-level industry, and complementary demand from EU trading partners, no change is likely