Gender in decision making, access to and control over labor and extension services: A Perception survey in Niger
For decades, agricultural policies have focused on promoting rural areas where more than 80%
of the populations of Niger live. To this end, new knowledge, technologies, practices and
policies have been developed through institutions such as National Agricultural Research
Systems (NARS), universities, the CGIAR consortium and NGOs. However, technological and
institutional innovations that do not take into account the influence of gender and the differences
between men and women on resources management and control can have detrimental effects.
It is in this context that a study was conducted on the target groups as key actors of agricultural
and veterinary extension systems and employment of women, on the one hand and producer
organizations and households, on the other hand. The objective is twofold: (i) to analyze gender
equity in decision-making and access to and control over work and resources; (ii) to provide
scientific evidence on strategies to be implemented to improve women’s access to and control
over agricultural and veterinary extension services