
Gender differences in Climate risk Perception, weather information needs and willingness to pay for climate advisory services by livestock farmers in Senegal.


This study examines climate risk perception, weather information needs, and willingness to pay for climate advisory services among Senegalese livestock farmers. In a sample of 600 farmers, results reveal a substantial perception of risks [HP(1] related to high temperatures, drought, and decreasing rainfall, with women demonstrating a higher overall risk perception than men. Age-wise, younger farmers exhibit heightened risk perception. The utility function analysis indicates preferences for integrated advisory services and market information. Livestock farmers express a willingness to pay 410 FCFA per month for climate advisory services with market information and substantially higher amounts (880-980 FCFA) for integration of indigenous knowledge, scientific forecasts, and pastoral resource advisories. These findings offer insights crucial for tailoring effective climate adaptation strategies in Senegal's livestock sector.