Report / Case study

Gender transformative approach in CGIAR Research Program 3.1 on Aquatic Agricultural Systems


Context: The approach is currently being adopted in the implementation of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. The approach encourages critical awareness of gender roles and norms among men and women, challenges the distribution of resources and allocation of duties between men and women, and promotes the position of women while addressing power relationships between women and others in the community (Interagency Gender Working Group, USAID). The CCAFS Smart Farm (SF) Project and Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) are looking at strategies to address climate-related challenges. They are exploring viable gender-differentiated strategies to enhance the resilience, productivity and diversity of aquaculture systems in weather and water challenged contexts, including differentiated research needs in improving fish circulation, homestead pond management with women and integrating farming systems such as homestead vertical agriculture systems. The goal is ultimately to simultaneously help women and men farmers and fisherfolk increase their adaptive capacity and livelihoods. Worldfish as a whole is interested in gender transformative approaches to minimize vulnerabilities experienced by socially differentiated users.

SF – researchers and communities exchange information, needs, ideas and jointly identify research questions. Involves a group-oriented visioning process between researchers and farmers/fisherfolk to identify needs and ways to achieve certain impacts. Men and women are approached separately and are strongly encouraged to identify their research needs.

AAS – researchers are going to villages and talking to specific individuals about research needs but have not assessed the types of socially differentiated groups that need to be targeted.

SF – Farmers are being trained by researchers to collect and interpret data so they are more independent in assessing their needs and have more direct decision-making about how to adapt to climate change and other drivers of change.

AAS – Farmers are being trained on implementing micro-habitats in rice fields where fish can thrive even after the intense rains.

WorldFish is getting school children involved in learning about research and GIS mapping so they can also take part in adapting to climate change in their own villages, so they do not need to migrate to large cities for alternative sources of income in the future.

Channels: Knowledge networks, where scientists work with farmers’ networks in order to better identify needs and appropriate approaches on the ground.

Outcome: Having senior management involved in gender approaches demonstrates that this is an issue that is being taken seriously across the centre.