Scientific Publication

Gender vulnerability assessment to inform gender-sensitive adaptation action: a case study in semi-arid areas of Mali


Understanding the gender dimensions of vulnerability to climate change is
crucial for designing effective gender-transformative climate actions. This is
particularly crucial in the semi-arid regions of West Africa, a climate change
“hotspot” where high dependence on climate-sensitive livelihoods and limited
adaptive capacity make agriculture and livelihoods highly vulnerable. In this
study we combined semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions
with a systematic literature review to analyze gendered household vulnerability
to climate change in Cinzana, a semi-arid area of Mali, and identify entry points
for gender-transformative adaptation actions. The Livelihood Vulnerability
assessment indicated that female-headed households were more vulnerable
than male-headed households. Differential socio-demographic profiles,
livelihood strategies, social networks, water and food and agricultural production
systems were key drivers of the gendered vulnerability patterns. A systematic
review of drivers of gendered vulnerability in Mali illustrated how socio-cultural
norms and roles assigned to women, and limited women access to and control
over productive resources and adaptation technologies make women more
vulnerable to climatic and non-climatic risks. We highlight the need of gender
transformative approaches to address the structural gender inequality and
reduce vulnerability of female-headed households. We outline three pathways
for reducing female-headed households’ vulnerability to climate change,
including the promotion of gender-smart extension and climate advisory
services and empowering women.