Poster / Presentation

Geoinformatics for nourishing drylands


At a global perspective drylands :&#xA;- Cover 41 percent of the Earth’s surface&#xA;- Support 30 percent of the world’s population&#xA;- Support 50 percent of the world’s livestock&#xA;- Grow 44 percent of the world’s food&#xA;- Are home to 93 percent of the world’s undernourished people Prevalent chronic poverty – with 400m living on < US$1 per day &#xA; - lose 23 ha per minute to drought and desertification – a loss of 20 million tons of potential grain production every year.&#xA;&#xA;Adoption and out scaling of innovative technologies such as Geoinformatics can tackle dry lands and climate change related issues and thus, improve biodiversity, increase crop and livestock production, change socio-economics markets and policy etc