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Gobernanza territorial e institucionalidad pública y privada para lograr la «cero deforestación» a nivel local. Un análisis en la región San Martín


Deforestation is one of the main global concerns and it is the result of the interaction, at multiple scales, of factors and agents in a given territory. Jurisdictional approaches aimed at reducing deforestation through articulating policies and institutional arrangements are becoming the right balance between national-level programs and local redd+ projects. Here, novel governance approaches emerge consisting in a new institutional setting based on cross-sectorial policies and institutional arrangements from the public and private sectors. Yet, changes are complex and still difficult to interpret. In the Peruvian Amazon, the institutional settings to reach zero deforestation are progressing in some regions thanks to political will and support from international cooperation programs. This constitutes an opportunity to characterize policies and arrangements that may have configured the forest landscape in a jurisdiction and their relationship to achieve zero deforestation. The study focuses on San Martin, the most deforested Amazon region, equivalent to 29% of its territory, and which bets on a jurisdictional approach through the promotion of the San Martín Brand based on the principle of Production, Protection, Inclusion (ppi). With a mixed and participatory methodology that combines spatial analysis of deforestation data, focus groups and interviews with local political actors, the process of developing the current framework of governance and institutional setting in relation to past dynamics of deforestation is reconstructed. In two representative districts and, as a first attempt, this analysis is integrated with information on the dynamics of expansion of some agricultural crops and their promoters completing the panorama