Report / Technical

Guidelines for the improved management of small-scale cage management in south east Asia. Report from the final R7100 workshop, Dhaka 9th to 11th July 2000


The two-year, DFID-funded CAGES-II Project R7100, 'The Improved Management of Small-Scale cage Culture in Asia', is due for completion in August 2000. The purpose of the project is to develop sustained small-scale cage fish culture in inland and coastal waters through improved understanding of the social, institutional and resource environment of resource poor groups. Two Asian countries, Bangladesh (inland systems) and Vietnam (marine), were studied with this workshop bringing together both sides of the project together with representatives of collaborative institutions, government departments and universities. Addressing the overall aim of producing guidelines for the planning and extension of cage aquaculture in Asia a combination of group work and plenary discussion was conducted producing the following outputs. 1) An assessment of cage aquaculture potential, 2) Development options for small-scale cage culture, 3) A review of tools and methodologies and 4) Policy initiatives for sustainable cage culture development. Key issues raised were the use of outputs as a guide to be adapted to regional circumstances to facilitate farmer and extension worker discussion and not as a rigid methodology. The degree of linkage between development, research and government nstitutions was also considered a crucial factor in benefiting the research and development of cage culture at the local, regional and national level and vital in affecting the future policies by both development and government institutions