Scientific Publication

Guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender in Rural Transport: Desk Review


The report presents findings of a review of 7 projects funded under the ReCAP Gender Mainstreaming in Rural Transport Initiative. The main purpose of the review was to synthesise lessons learnt and good practices to inform the preparation of illustrative guidelines for mainstreaming gender in rural transport. The review established that there have been several initiatives in Africa and Asia to mainstream gender in transport policy, planning, institutions and projects. These initiatives have contributed to the increased visibility of the gender dynamics of rural transport and have expanded women’s employment opportunities and thus access to income. However, these gender mainstreaming in transport policy and planning initiatives have not yet triggered transformative changes, and therefore risk not being sustainable in the longer term. This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)