Dataset / Tabular

Guinea Fowl Intervention Burkina Faso 2020: Chemical Analysis of Feed Ingredients and Diets


This is the chemical analysis of feed ingredients and treatment diets data file associated with the “Intervention In Low Guinea Fowl Productivity And Related Products Consumption In Burkina Faso” data asset. This data file contains the results of the chemical analyses of the feed ingredients and treatment diets used in the two feeding trials. This data file has 14 rows and 12 columns. IACUC approval was obtained for this feeding trial. See the Feed Formula and Experimentation supporting document for further information on the treatment design for the feeding trial. This dataset was collected through research of the project “Intervention In Low Guinea Fowl Productivity And Related Products Consumption In Burkina Faso” lead by the Dr. William Kisaalita at the University of Georgia as part of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems