Dataset / Tabular

Health Results-Based Financing Impact Evaluation Survey 2010-2011: Baseline (Benin)


This Impact Evaluation (IE) has two main objectives: (i) measuring the impact of RBF on health outcomes and (ii) understanding the factors driving this impact. We hypothesize that RBF will improve two health outcomes related to maternal health: (i) quality of maternal care and (ii) equity of maternal care utilization.
Moreover, the survey intends to explore three additional issues: the relation betwen RBF and (i) health workers' motivation - it is expected that RBF will increase job satisfaction of health workers: (ii) corruption - health workers (HWs) will have an incentive to reduce the time they spend on "survival strategies" or corrupt behaviors: (iii) health care seeking behaviors - although RBF is mostly targeting maternal health, it could have also an impact on indicators of other health care services, and more broadly on health care seeking behaviors.