Scientific Publication

Heavy exploitation of juvenile threadfin bream, Nemipterus randalli along Kerala coast


Threadfin breams are one of the most dominant group among the demersal fisheries resources along the Kerala coast, landed mainly by multiday trawlers operating beyond 100 m. Among the threadfin breams, Nemipterus randalli is the most abundant species contributing over 60% of threadfin bream landings of the state. Large quantities of this species are landed by trawlers at Cochin, Munambam and Neendakara Fisheries Harbours of the state. Threadfin breams locally known as “kilimeen” have good local demand in fresh condition and is sold at ` 40-60/- per kg. Peak landing occurs during August - September months, immediately after south-west monsoon. The present report is based on the observations made on threadfin bream landings at the above landing centres during 2010