Helpdesk Report: Female Condoms
Query As a dual protection method, is demand for and uptake of FC correlated to HIV prevalence? A number of studies are available on the acceptability of various FC products, but there are knowledge gaps in terms of user profiles. From a review of the literature in high prevalence HIV contexts and concentrated epidemics, what do we know about usage of FC among different age groups, marital status, vulnerability? What do we know about frequency, repeat or sustained use? (a critical success factor for scaling up) How do men's perspectives and choices influence use? Do women who use FC do so in combination/mix with other methods? (Evidence seems to suggest FCs most successful in contexts where MC already successful) Overview This report provides information on: who uses the female condom (FC); whether FC use is correlated with HIV prevalence; frequency, repeat or sustained use of FCs; the influence of men on FC use; whether the FC is used in combination with other methods of contraception. Recommendations listed are: Education and demonstration of correct use Negotiation skills training Men should be educated Target high-risk populations In countries with high HIV prevalence, target couples of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Secure funding to subsidise female condoms so that they can be made available to high-risk populations