
Helpdesk Report: Health Service Standards


Query Find information on where minimum standards of health service delivery have been developed and successfully applied in developing countries, especially in Asia and in secondary care. Summary Minimum standards in healthcare are often referred to in documents but not expanded on in detail. This report covers the few documents that were found within the scope of this study that expanded on standards for healthcare. A document outlined on minimum service delivery standards in primary and secondary healthcare in Punjab is outlined in section 2. It discusses methodology, healthcare review results and then outlines specific standards and goals. Some standards for primary healthcare from the Health Services Ministry in India are publicly available and summarised in section 3. The document gives a detailed list of minimum requirements for service delivery and lists other requirements including infrastructure, human resources, drugs and transport. Other information found on healthcare standards includes: WHO standards for maternal and neonatal care Standards for environmental and occupational hygiene in hospitals Clinical standards for family planning Standards for healthcare in disaster response. Some information was found on general quality regulation in healthcare which is included in section 4