Helpdesk Report: Trachoma
Query What are the main organisations involved in trachoma control and are they global in scope or regional? Are they governmental or NGOs? Is there a global plan for control/elimination/eradication and if so what are the key features? How great is the challenge and is there an estimated cost for meeting it? What is the main approach to trachoma? Is it effective and what does it involve? If medicines, are any of them donated? Overview This report looks at the strategies for trachoma control. Trachoma is endemic in more than 50 countries with more than 80% of the burden concentrated in 14 countries, and predominantly in the savannah areas of East and Central Africa and the Sahel of West Africa. Nearly 110 million people live in areas where trachoma is endemic and are therefore at risk of infection. Another 210 million people live in regions where trachoma is suspected but where no data is available. In the confirmed districts, an estimated 4.6 million people suffer from the final stages of the disease and require surgery to prevent them from going blind. This report includes the following sections: Organisations and alliances working in the area Plans Epidemiology National Control Programmes Evaluating strategies for trachoma control - reviews Evaluating SAFE - country-based studies Guides Other useful resources