
Herbivore diversity of a unique, islanded and managed sugarcane agro-ecosystem comprising Saccharum germplasm


The islanded and managed sugarcane agro-ecosystem (11°52' N, 75°25' E, 11m MSL) exists in the heartland of the Kannur District, Kerala state, India as an integral part of the ICARSugarcane Breeding Institute Research Centre (encompasses approximately 20 acres), since 1962. The center hosts the world sugarcane germplasm collection which includes ISSCT (International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists), Indian collection consists of approximately 3500 Saccharum and related species. The center is located approximately 200 km from the commercial sugarcane belt to manage the field gene-bank free of pests and diseases. The collection is replanted every year during the January-February planting season and the previous year crop being retained until the current year crop gets established in the field. Thus, the center provides a unique agro-ecosystem with the availability of crops throughout the year in the field which is islanded from the main sugarcane growing area and managed following recommended agricultural practices. The landscape has previously been subjected to paddy cultivation as a wetland before the center came up. The center comes under a humid tropical monsoon climate with precipitation is heavily seasonal where June to September is known as the wettest months with south-west monsoon and the occasional occurrence of localized flooding during the time