HIV/AIDS Research, Policy and Practice. Forging the links against AIDS
This booklet is the result of a satellite meeting convened by Sida's Regional HIV/AIDS Team for Africa during the thirteenth International Conference on AIDS and Associated Cancers in Africa (ICASA), that took place on 24 September 2003. The theme of the meeting was Research, Policy and Implementation - The Challenging Links. Chapter one focuses on ethics and responsibility in inequitable and under-resourced settings, while chapter two concentrates on gendered patterns of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa. The emphasis is on the necessity to examine, expose and challenge these wider issues if there is to be successful interaction between research, policy and implementation. Chapter three relates Rwanda's experience of coordinating research, policy and implementation, pointing out the challenges, difficulties and successes. Chapter four details how research findings have influenced policy, using the experiences of a collaborative Tanzanian and Swedish HIV/AIDS research project, while chapter five presents how research findings on HIV-related stigma were translated into educational materials and communicated to policy makers. Chapter six is based on Uganda's experience of scaling up the delivery of antiretroviral therapy (ART). It pinpoints the different roles of civil society and government and the need for research to rapidly feedback findings into ongoing interventions to improve the delivery of ART. The last chapter of the booklet is a synthesis by the rapporteurs of the satellite meeting. This is based on the presentations, summaries from both the panel and the public discussion, and their own collective reflections and experiences as researchers involved in applied HIV/AIDS research in sub-Saharan Africa