Report / Case study

How is business involved with and engaging in identifying priorities for the post-2015 development agenda?


This helpdesk query set out to answer the following questions: How is business involved with identifying priorities for the post-2015 development agenda? Which business are producing think pieces and lobbying strategies, and on what issues? Who are the most prominent business leaders on post-2015? Opinions from businesses and business associations were sought and internet searches conducted. This paper is structured as follows: Firstly the activities of the UN High Level Panel (HLP) are described and, in particular, the HLP consultations that have been carried out and the work of the key private sector representatives on the panel. Secondly, a narrative on the UN Global Compact is provided and the institutions that are subsumed under the Compact are elaborated upon. Thirdly, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network is explained before fourthly, an insight into business associations and how they are engaging with the post-2015 development agenda is given. Lastly, the work/position papers of 3 different firms -Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline and PricewaterHouseCoopers - is provided