Scientific Publication

Identification of Gaps in Pigeonpea Germplasm from East and Southern Africa Conserved at the ICRISAT Genebank


The genebank at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India conserves 13,771 accessions of pigeonpea germplasm from 74 countries, including 1,168 accessions from 13 East and Southern African (ESA) countries: Based on availability of georeference data, 916 landraces from seven countries were considered for identifying gaps. Eighty four districts located in four East African countries and 54 districts located in three Southern African countries were identified as geographical gaps in the ICRISAT collection. A total of 25 districts in four countries; six provinces in Tanzania and Zambezia province in Mozambique were identified as gaps in phenotypic diversity for specific traits. Kitui and Machakos in Kenya were found as common districts for geographical as well as trait diversity gaps. Launching collection missions in ESA countries to fill geographical, trait-specific and taxonomical gaps in pigeonpea collection from ESA countries at ICRISAT genebank is recommended