Scientific Publication
Identification of peanut stripe virus resistance in wild arachis germplasm
A total of 54 wild Arachis germplasm accessions were evaluated for resistance to peanut stripe potyvirus (PStV) by mechanical, aphid and graft inoculations. Three weeks after inoculation, inoculated and subsequently produced leaflets of each entry were tested for PStV by ELISA. Peanut accessions in the section Arachis, A. cardenasii (ICG 11558 (PI 475998)) could not be infected by mechanical, aphid or graft transmission tests, while A. chacoense (ICG 4983 (PI 276235)), A. cardenasii (ICG 11562 (PI 476012) and ICG 12168 (PI 476013)) and accessions of section Erectoides, A. sp. (ICG 11560 (PI 476004) and ICG 8215 (PI 468170)) and A. paraguariensis (ICG 8973 (PI 468176)), were infected by grafting, but not by aphid and mechanical inoculations